Peculiarities of Using Projects in Learning English as a Foreign Language
Sergei E. Drovosekov – Regina G. Sakhieva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.09
The purpose of this article is to create a theoretically grounded and experimentally verified methodology for project learning of English as a foreign language and to identify the peculiarities of its application in practice. The authors have developed step-by-step methodical recommendations on the organization of the project activity of schoolchildren at the senior level of education in the secondary school on the example of some topic. Features of the authors’ approach to the study of the peculiarities of project learning is the introspective analysis of pedagogical and methodological works which are compared with the approaches of foreign and national scientific schools to the project activity; a precise scale of project evaluation; an allocation of a separate speech stage for the preparation of the project. The study revealed the effectiveness of project learning of English as a foreign language. The materials of the article are of value for teachers of the senior classes of the secondary school and higher educational institutions.
Key words: project learning, project method, project, communicative method, cross-cultural communication