Czech-Russian Homonymy as a Didactic Problem
Elena A. Vasilyeva – Jakub Konecny
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2015.08.01.57-67
The article focuses on the Czech-Russian homonymy. We consider the problem in the context of teaching Russian in the Czech school. The notion of interlingual homonymy is analyzed, a classification of Czech-Russian homonyms is esented. The article highlights the interlingual homonymy as being a phenomenon complicating the process of teaching Russian in the Czech school. In order to help Russian language teachers, the article also includes exemplary assignments overing the work with homonyms. The article is based on the methodology of intercultural education, attention is also paid to the specifics of teaching Russian as a diverse Slavonic language.
Key words
interlingual homonyms, teaching lexicology, Russian, Czech
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