Peculiarities of Discourse Organization in M.A. Bulgakov’s Novel The Master and Margarita
[Особенности коммуникативной организации дискурса в романе М.А. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита»]
Anatolij A. Girutskij
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2015.08.04.78-90
The peculiarities of communication space of the novel The Master and Margarita are characterized by the collision of the two beginnings – the physical and the metaphysical, the good and the evil, the sin and the retribution. On the basis of the characters’ consciousness, three main types of their roles are distinguished, which are the roles of “the force of evil”, the roles of philistines, the roles of officials and “the best educated and cultured people”. Those who perform different roles have unequal status. Thus, the capacities of “the force of evil” as the representative of the metaphysical world place it above other communication participants. In most cases, all situations are characterized by tension and emotiveness, which is reflected in the language of the novel (a large number of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, emotionally colored vocabulary and idioms, the polyphony of intonations), as well as in the associate nonverbal means – mimics and gestures.
Key words
scientific and religious discourses, fictional discourse, discourse and communication collision, communicative roles, specifics of communication situations, verbal and nonverbal means
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