2017_10_03_15 - XLinguae

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Andre Gide’s life philosophy: “Russian Trace”
Elena B. Savelyeva – Elena A. Lineva – Tatiana G. Yusupova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.15

The article deals with a well-known French novelist, reviewer, and literary critic Andre Gide’s philosophical understanding of religious, spiritual, communistic faith in the context of a great Russian writer F.M. Dostoevski’s creativity. It is also touches upon Gide’s communication with a well-known philosopher and humanist N.A. Berdjaev. It is also describes writer’s recognition of communistic ideas, his liking for the new social system in Russia in 1930s – 1940s. The authors of the paper are thinking of reasons that encouraged A. Gide to become an ardent defender, supporter and a recognized expert of Dostoevski’s humanistic heritage and popularize the worldview of Russian philosopher.

Keywords: philosophy, faith, religion, world outlook, communism

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