2017_10_03_17 - XLinguae

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Anthropocentricity of the language of the native low-numbered population of the north
(based on the example of landscape-related vocabulary in the Kildin Saami language)
Olga Ivanishcheva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.17
This article describes the anthropocentricity of the Kildin Saami language, which is based on an examination of the restrictions related to the specificities of human activity. A new perspective on the anthropocentric approach towards studying language is presented, taking into account the ad hoc communicative nature of human interactions. It is demonstrated that meaning emphasis and word separation in the Saami language depend directly upon the meaningfulness of real-world objects for the ethnic group’s daily living activities.

Key words: аnthropocentrism, Kildin Saami language, vocabulary

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