2017_10_04_16 - XLinguae

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Methodology of simultaneous translation: some strategies and features
Manshuk Zh. YeskindirovaZhuldyz K. Alshinbayeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.16
The present article attempts to discuss scientifically proved theories existing in simultaneous translation and strategies based on them in the cases of Russian and English. The professional translator can use these strategies to achieve his goals. The description of simultaneous translation strategies is provided with practical recommendations of applicable methods of a certain strategy or several strategies depending on a definite situation. Similar approach to the research of simultaneous translation makes the problem more global in general and in particular. It also gives an opportunity to analyze mistakes and reasons of their appearance. Nowadays despite the widespread study of foreign languages, the importance of simultaneous translation has mainly increased. This is due to modern society, its settings on maximum openness, the abolition of state borders and globalization. The number of such types of communication as international conferences, seminars, symposiums is constantly growing in the new information society. Thus, the role of interpreters becomes very important, and this situation demands high requirements from interpreting process.  A set of strategies that allow adequate translation of the text in real time meets these standards. This work is a linguistic and extra-linguistic study of professional simultaneous translation as a kind of verbal communication, which is the basis of translation strategy.

Key words: simultaneous translation, probabilistic forecasting, speech compression, linguistic features, lexical features

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