Using the “flipped classroom” model in the teaching of the theoretical disciplines (French language) at the university
[Technologie de la classe inversee dans l’enseignement des disciplines theoriques (FLE) aux etudiants des universites]
Liliya R. Abdullina – Anastasia V. Ageeva – Natalia V. Gabdreeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.01XL.12
This article aims to evaluate the introduction of a new technology of the "flipped classroom" in the process of education. A brief historical overview of the application of the flipped learning in the education system is provided. Approaches of leading supporters of this technology are considered. To prove its efficiency, we describe the results of our pedagogical experiment implemented on the course of the theoretical grammar of the French language with the students of Kazan Federal University. The work in both groups was carried out in three stages: knowledge assimilation, verification of the assimilation of resources and putting into practice. At each stage, similarities and differences in the compared groups are described. The experiment concludes with the final testing. The results of the experiment demonstrate the predominance of the experimental group over the control one. The factors explaining the expediency and efficiency of the application of the given technology in the course of theoretical disciplines in a foreign language at the University are formulated. Perspectives of future research of the technology of "flipped learning" are presented.
Key words: flipped classroom, language, student, independent work, effectiveness, technology
Pages: 161 - 169