Level of auditory analysis, synthesis and active vocabulary and their intergender context
[Uroven sluchovej analyzy, syntezy a aktivna slovna zasoba a ich mezipohlavny kontext]
Jana Duchovicova – Nina Kozarova – Lukas Kurajda – Bade Bajrami – Jerome Baghana
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.04.20
The subject of our research were partial cognitive functions and phonematic awareness of preschool students. In our research, we found out that children who achieved higher level of active vocabulary also achieved higher level of auditory analysis and auditory synthesis. Following the findings, we focused on the identification of selected determinants of auditory analysis and synthesis, namely gender differences in the level of auditory analysis and active vocabulary of six-year-old children. Our aim was also to find out whether there is a difference in the level of auditory analysis and auditory synthesis in six-year-olds. Our results showed that the level of active vocabulary and auditory analysis in six-year-olds is not significantly different in gender, but there is a significant difference in the level of auditory analysis and auditory synthesis for this age group in favor of auditory analysis.
Key words: phonematic awareness, auditory analysis, auditory synthesis, active vocabulary, cognitive functions, reading literacy, strategies developing critical thinking
Pages: 229 - 238
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