LMOOC for developing teaching and learning French as a foreign language (FFL)
[Les LMOOC pour developper l’enseignement/ apprentissage du français langue etrangere (FLE)]
Rana Hasan Kandeel
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.01.02
This article focuses on the study of the didactic potentials of language massive open online courses (LMOOC, in English) to develop the teaching / learning of French as a foreign language (FFL) in the classroom.
First we present the theoretical framework based on LMOOC in the didactics of foreign languages, then we define this course and its characteristics as well as the pedagogical principles of the theory of learning, connectivism. We then proceed to the analysis of four LMOOC in FFL available on the two platforms France Digital University (FUN, in French) and MOOC Francophone. Finally, we present the didactic potentials of these courses, especially in non-French speaking countries.
Key words: language massive open online courses (LMOOC), French as a foreign language (FFL), learners, learning activities, potentials