Retrospective semiometrics of the sign valeur
[La semiometrie retrospective du signe valeur]
Larisa G. Vikulova – Elena G. Tareva – Evgenia F. Serebrennikova – Svetlana A. Gerasimova – Valeriya A. Rayskina
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.01.13
The modern use of the word valeur as a reference notion or a term highlights its status of a sign referring to an archive of knowledge the conceptual formation thereof is applicable to the history of language. By means of semiometrics, a type of semantic diachronic analysis based on the study of representative texts, the paper presents a retrospective evolution of the sign. The paper examines the original generic semantic structure, significant periods of the sign's conceptual transformation in the history of the French language, and the vectors of generalization and differentiation by the anthropological criterion and, taken together, they uncover a tendency of formation of a categorical status sign.
Key words: value, retrospective evolution, semiometrics, a categorical status sign, axiology and linguistics