2020_13_02_12 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_2_2020 > section n_2_2020
Latin borrowings as a linguistic problem: approaches, reasons, typology

Gaziza Shoibekova – Tynyshtyk Yermekova – Aigyl Amantaevna Satbekova – Sagira Odanova – Maira Malik

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.02.12

The process of activating borrowed vocabulary has become one of the significant phenomena for modern linguistics. This is due to the fact that at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries, the borrowing of lexical units, is one of the main sources of the neogenesis of the language system. Anglicisms that have entered the recipient language entail changes that affect various levels of the language: phonetic, lexical, morphological, etc. Such phenomena are constantly under the scrutiny of linguists.
Borrowing is the most important neologization mechanism, which involves updating the structure (primarily in the case of material borrowing) and the language system (in the case of semantic borrowing). During the research on this issue where the process borrowing of a foreign word is studied, we concluded that the main point in this process is the semantic development of a foreign word and that it is necessary to separate the process of adapting a word in the speech from the process of adapting it in a language. This differentiated approach helped to study the borrowing processes in speech and in the language and made it possible to single out issues that have not been studied enough such as the degree of borrowing of a foreign language word in speech and in the language, the signs of these degrees, as well as correlation of these degrees of borrowing with speech and language.

Key words: borrowings, linguistic, problem, approaches, reasons, typology

Pages: 149 - 156

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