Interviewing students about the significance of punctuation marks among modern youth
Gulnar Yеskermessova – Tynyshtyk Yermekova – Karlygash Nurmuhametova – Raikhan Abnassyrova – Orynaу Zhubaeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.04.12
In the modern linguistic literature, without taking into account new qualitative changes in contemporary syntactic theory, the theory of text science and speech activity, the view of the consideration of punctuation as a separate section of syntax still prevails. If the linguistic environment changes and the language has the ability to adapt to changes in real life, changes that are observed in a particular speech practice must first be seen as a new but standard, communicative, and pragmatic phenomenon (pauses, deviations). After all, speech and language are interrelated phenomena. Both are two other units of the system. From this point of view, changes made in the syntactic structure of speech should be recognized as consequences of non-verbal communication in non-oral (written) communication.
Despite the recognition of the importance of many definitions and studies presented for punctuation, the generally recognized values of textbooks, the emergence of various additional clarifications, and changes relating to punctuation indicate the need to take into account the qualitative changes occurring in the practice of punctuation marks and punctuation-graphic means. In particular, the results of the survey among students clarify this opinion.
Key words: punctuation, punctuation marks, punctuation norm, paragraphemic, emoticons