A plea for a cognitive linguistics perspective on the notion of linguistic competence in the Common European Framework of Reference
Ariadna Strugielska – Katarzyna Piątkowska
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.04.04
This paper demonstrates that although linguistic competence (LC) is an essential dimension of the Common European Framework of Reference (Council of Europe, 2001; 2018), it is defined in an inconsistent way resulting from combining elements of formal and functional approaches. Thus, rather than interconnected, linguistic competence emerges as dichotomized and in need of an approach that could reconcile incompatibilities in the way(s) LC is characterized in the document. We propose that a cognitive linguistic perspective built on the schematic commitment is a viable approach to re-defining LC.
Key words: linguistic competence, cognitive linguistics, schematic commitment, CEFR