An exploration of Indonesian EFL learners’ unwillingness to communicate
Sukardi Weda – Andi Elsa Fadhilah Sakti – Andi Riola Pasenrigading
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.04.09
This study aimed at exploring EFL students’ unwillingness to communicate (UTS) of English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom at higher institution in Indonesia. A 25-item survey of 70 students of English study program at graduate program State University of Makassar Indonesia stated that most of the students were willing to participating in group discussions and they revealed that their friends listened to their ideas and suggestions. The study also reported that the majority of participants disagreed to the statements: talking to friends is just a waste of time, they don’t talk in classroom presentation because they are shy, they don’t like to get involved in group discussions, their friends don't listen to their ideas and suggestions in classroom discussions, they don't ask for advice from friends when they have to make decisions, they are afraid to express themselves in a group, and they find it difficult to make conversation with their mates. The students were unwillingness to express ideas to other students because they felt nervous, and they also were unwillingness to express themselves because they had some fears.
Key words: Unwillingness to communicate (UTC), EFL learners, Indonesia