2021_14_2_23 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2021 > section n_2_2021
Semantic re-evaluation in the national socialist language and its diction in the right-wing populism

[Semanticke prehodnotenie v narodnosocialistickom jazyku a jeho dikcie v pravicovom populizme]

Simona Frastikova – Miroslava Najslova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.02.23

Language and its correct application is a prerequisite for successful communication, not least for political communication. The main determinant of the success of politicians in elections is, above all, persuasion. It plays an important role in both direct and indirect communication of a political party with voters, and one of the frequent accompanying phenomena in a given communication is the use of language units in accordance with the corresponding ideology of the political party, which we understand in a broader context. A typical example here is the ideology of National Socialism, where it is clear to see how certain words, through semantic re-evaluation, have lost their original meaning and acquired a new one that corresponded to the views of the ruling ideology. However, some of these words are still present in the political discourse of right-wing populists, not least in Austria. It is the right-wing populist party Freedom Party of Austria (German: Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, FPÖ) that applies a semantic re-evaluation of language units in its election posters, which either explicitly or implicitly reflects national socialist diction in election campaigns. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the application of semantic re-evaluation during the rule of the National Socialists on selected words blood, revolution and socialism and to point out the individual linguistic references of National Socialism with contemporary right-wing populists and in their election posters.

Key words: FPÖ, right-wing populism, National Socialism, political communication, semantic revaluation

Pages: 320-330

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