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Forthcoming XLinguae issue: October 2024

June 2024

Scientific studies should be an outcome of research, analysis or innovation made in one of the following fields of research: linguistics, applied linguistics or philosophy. They should be supplied in Word format. Please, use the instructions in the Submission guidelines and malpractice statement sections.
The XLinguae Journal ISSN 2453-711X online EV 43/22/EPP, ISSN 1337-8384 print EV 2747/08 is a European, scientific, language, double-blind peer-reviewed journal covering the fields of philosophy, linguistics, and applied linguistics related to Modern European languages. It is published by the Slovenská Vzdelávacia a Obstarávacia s.r.o., a Slovak educational institution based in Nitra, with the frequency of 4 issues per year: January, April, June, and October. The main objective of the journal is to promote and sustain language and cultural diversity.

Since 2011 the XLinguae issues have been indexed inand since 2015 in .
Evaluation by Scimago of 2018, 2019, 2020,2021
Arts and Humanities: Philosophy - Quartile 1,1,1,1
Arts and Humanities: Linguistics and language - Quartile 1,1,1
Social sciences: Language and Linguistics - Quartile 1,1,1,2

h-Index: 17

SJR 2020: 0,385
SJR 2019: 0,318
SJR 2018: 0,676
SJR 2017: 0,188
SJR 2016: 0,310
SJR 2015: 0,201 

The XLinguae journal is published by © SVO s.r.o., ISSN 1337-8384, registered by the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic: EV 2747/08
Open Academic Journal Index
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