Submission guidelines - XLinguae

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Submission guidelines

Publishing a research or novelty article in XLinguae must concern linguistics, applied linguistics and philology fields (in particular, languages such as English, Slovak, French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian). The journal also includes papers on philosophy.
The editor and the editor-in-chief of the XLinguae journal are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal will be published. The editor-in-chief may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor-in-chief confers with other editors or reviewers in making this decision. They evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual and scientific content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. The reviewers also evaluate the general scientific level of authors with the aid of the personal questionnaire. The editorial staff must not disclose information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in the editor's research.
Papers submitted with the themes or the topics that do not reflect the scope of the journal, the axes of the issue or the abilities of our editors (for example reviewing articles written in other than designated languages) will be rejected without reviewing process.
Scientific studies with research results (template page: 10-20 pages) should deal with actual themes and problematic fields from linguistics, applied linguistics, philology, and philosophy and should be templated as described below. Please, download the template with properly structured margins.
Authors of research studies should present an accurate account of the work performed as an objective discussion of its significance. Manuscripts in MS Word must be submitted using the elements listed below and written in one of the following languages (English, Slovak, Spanish, French, Italian or according to the Call for papers) following the rules of academic style where high-quality grammar and style are essential. 
Authors submit their papers electronically via email to the journal's submission addresses:,,,,
Text formatting
The paper should be formatted into Template pages; see the section ´Submissions must include´.
- the title of the study in English (10-point Times New Roman)
- the title of the study in the language of the text (10-point Times New Roman)
- full name of the author (10-point Times New Roman)
- abstract in English (max. 600 characters, 10-point Times New Roman)
- abstract in the language you write the contribution (max. 600 characters, 9-point Times New Roman in a single-spaced, one-column format)
- key words in English (5-6 words, 9-point Times New Roman in a single-spaced, one-column format)
- key words in the language of the text (5-6 words, 9-point Times New Roman in a single-spaced, one-column format)
Main text (9-point Times New Roman in a single-spaced, one-column format)
- noticeable text paragraphing (titles, subtitles)
- translated citations coming from foreign authors' work as well as citations from original works (in the text)
- citations are part of the text (see below)
- Figures and tables must be introduced as photography, sized as they are to appear in print (the best is to copy them into the text as a figure or make a print screen of the table). Figures should be placed exactly where they are to appear within the text. Other formats are not acceptable.
- notes (make a point about basic pieces of information - e.g., citation from original work between quotes, short message and so on.)
Bibliographic references (9-point Times New Roman in a single-spaced, one-column format)
Project number
If the contribution is a part of the research, please indicate the full name and project registration number.
- abbreviations of academic titles, full name and surname, full address of the institution the author works for (title of the institution, street, number, postcode, city, country), email.
Axes in 2024

JUNE 2024 - Philosophy (in academic English, Czech, Spanish)
Call for papers: January 10, 2024 - March 10, 2024. All papers on philosophy are to be sent to
results of peer review: 20 April 2024
submission of revised manuscripts: 20 May 2024
publication: June 2024
Notes: Editors and reviewers select the papers based on their expertise. See submission guidelines and malpractice statement.
Submitting one study to more than one corresponding e-mail and spamming other editorial e-mails is prohibited.
Submitting more than one study in one issue is prohibited.

OCTOBER 2024 - Eclecticism in language teaching (papers in English describing new language teaching methodologies to support teacher educators, teacher trainers, doctoral students and university professionals in teaching foreign languages)
All papers on are to be sent to
Call for papers: 7 May - 30 August 2024
Issue editors:
results of peer review: 30 September 2024
submission of revised manuscripts: 15 October 2024
publication: 30 October 2024

Axes in 2025
In 2025, these axes are determined:

JANUARY 2025 - French studies (papers should by submitted only in French with the abstracts and key words written in English and French, see the Submission guidelines section - TEMPLATE)
COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL CONVIVIAL V 2024/ INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY CONFERENCE V 2024 (in French organised by Slovak Association of Teachers of French will be held in Slovakia, 22-24 November 2024). The best papers evaluated and chosen by the reviewers will be published in the XLinguae January issue 2025. Other papers will be published as a separate book of proceedings with an ISBN number.
All papers are to be sent to
Call for papers: 1 February - 1 September 2024
Issue editors:
results of peer review: 15 October 2024
a conference presentation of the revised manuscripts: 22-24 November 2024
publication: 30 January 2025

APRIL 2025 Linguistic landscape as a multifaceted resource for teaching (foreign) languages (in academic Czech, Slovak, English)
Since the nineties of the 20th century, there has been an increased interest in the didactics of foreign languages for a closer connection between language and the cultural component, for which new approaches and concepts are being sought, which are theoretically anchored mainly in the field of cultural studies, sociology and sociolinguistics. One such concept, which has gained considerable attention in the field of foreign language teaching in recent years, is the concept of linguistic landscape in the sense of the occurrence of language in public (urban) space, such as the language of road signs, advertising billboards, street names, signboards, signs on shops or signs on public buildings, handwritten stickers on street light poles, graffiti, etc. These resources become a means for developing language and cultural awareness in particular. Currently, the focus is on the semiotic approach to the linguistic landscape, which in this concept is understood as spatially materialized communication through language and other multimodal semiotic resources for the expression of various contents in physical or virtual public space. Language landscapes provide stimuli for teaching a foreign language that come from real life. They allow insight into the functioning of language(s) and a specific social discourse represented by the (non)representation of different languages and cultures in a specific public space, etc.
In this journal issue, we expect contributions in which the linguistic landscape is grasped, especially from the point of view of its multi-layered didactic potential for teaching (foreign) languages. They can be focused on various aspects, including, for example:
* linguistic landscape as an authentic text in foreign language teaching
* linguistic landscape as a means for the development of self-regulated and out-of-school foreign language learning
* linguistic landscape as a means for the development of critical language reflection and language awareness
* linguistic landscape as an indicator of linguistic, social and cultural communities
* linguistic landscape and the role of language(s) in a specific urban space
* linguistic landscape as a means for the development of argumentative and discursive competence etc.

Guest editor: prof. PhDr. Vera Janikova, Ph.D., Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic
Call for papers and papers´submissions: August 6, 2023 - November 10, 2023
New call for papers: January 15, 2024 - November 10, 2024. 
All research papers are to be sent to 

results of peer review: 10 February 2025
submission of revised manuscripts: 10 March 2025
publication: April 2025
Notes: Editors´ and reviewers´ choice are based on multiple factors, including expertise and specific recommendations. Research papers on theme and scope of the issue will be the reviewers´ priority.
Editors and reviewers select the papers based on their expertise. See submission guidelines and malpractice statement.
Submitting one study to more than one corresponding e-mail and spamming other editorial e-mails is prohibited.
Submitting more than one study in one issue is prohibited.

Citation form
Use APA style.
Any statement, observation, derivation, or argument reported in the sent scientific study or article should be accompanied by the relevant citation.
Citation and message in the text
(Harmer, 1991: 12) or (Harmer, 1991) or Harmer (1991: 12) or Harmer (1991)
The citation in the text must also appear fully described in the list of bibliographic references.
Bibliographic references
Book bibliographic reference
Harmer, J. (1991). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman. ISBN 0582 04656 4
Birova, J., & Andrejcakova, M. (2010). Competence phonologique chez les etudiants en francais. OEP. ISBN 078 99 456 213  
Journal bibliographic reference
Lah, M. (2009). Évolutions des manuels. Didactique du FLE dans les pays slaves 2(2), pp. 9-12. ISSN 1337-9283.
Mrkva, J., Mrkvova, A., & Kilmanova, F. (2021). Impact on learning French. Contemporary education 12(2). Doi code ...
If there are several works cited from one author from the same year, please, use the following form: e.g., 1971a, 1971b... 
(no diacritic marks in the Bibliographic references, nor in brackets in the text)
Submissions must include:
1. the main text of the very final author's version of the scientific article about language, linguistics (phonetics, morphology, lexicology, terminology, pragmatics, stylistics, syntax), methodology of teaching language or translation, philosophy (without author's identification) sent in the attachment using the ARTICLE TEMPLATE format (title in English, title in the language of the text, abstract in English, abstract in the language of the text, key words in English, key words in the language of the text, introduction to the topic, main text, research results, conclusion, appendixes, bibliographic references (also citations of relevant research mentioned in scientifically recognized monographs, databases - Scopus, WOS and scientifically recognized journals) 
2. The impact of an article is defined as the number of authors that have been influenced by it. Thus, the measure aims at quantifying the paper's reach, emphasizing on scientists. That is why we require a personal questionnaire QUESTIONNAIRE (sent as an attachment).
3. To manage the sent articles efficiently, some elements must be sent in the email: title in English, title in the language of the text, full names of authors (max. five authors), affiliations (academic institution full address, street, number, postcode, city, country), contacts, academic emails, abstracts in English and the language of the written text (Slovak, Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian or English), key words in English and in the language of the written text (Slovak, Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian or English), author's agreement to receive a printed copy if the article is accepted, author's note that the submitted article was not published elsewhere and is not under consideration by any other journal, link to your university or academic website in case you do not provide an academic email address.
The paper should be sent from the academic institution's email address. If you do not introduce your academic institution's email address, you are supposed to introduce yourself in a more detailed way; otherwise, your paper might not be accepted, as we need not know whether you are an academic professional in the field of linguistics, applied linguistics or philosophy. 
When sending a scientific paper, authors should note that papers are judged on a date-by-date basis and should respect the deadlines.
All manuscripts will be subject to a well-established, fair, unbiased peer review and refereeing procedure and considered on their significance, novelty and usefulness to the journal's readership. We highly recommend you send us papers containing research, innovation, and analyses.
The review output
The review output will be one of the following decisions: 
A, Accept; 
B, Accept with minor changes (several points regarding bibliographic references or other formal mistakes or lapsus in the text); 
C, Reject (the paper is rejected if it does not correspond to the scope of our journal or if the author is committing malpractice, if the research results do not reflect the correct methodology procedure, or do not introduce an original/ innovative study, or if no research is done, or the study has no relevant citation, or the study with a poor level of scientific language, a study considered by reviewers with poor or nearly no scientific impact in the research field). Manuscripts that do not reflect the journal's scope will be excluded without review.
Publication Fee
The publication fee is 500 euros per accepted paper.
The publication fee must be paid after the approval is granted by the reviewers, editor and editor-in-chief.
When sending a fee via bank, in the payment announcement, the scholars must write the name of the first author mentioned in the article and the email address from which the paper was sent so that their study may be easily identified.
The fee must be sent to the following account:
IBAN: SK8311000000002620148945, BIC (SWIFT) code: TATRSKBX
Bank: Tatra banka, a.s., Hodzovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava
Invoice Address: Slovenská Vzdelávacia a Obstarávacia s.r.o., Petzwalova 30, Nitra 94911, Slovakia
IDnumber (ICO): 44618735
An invoice is sent to authors if they send complete information (the full name of the person to whom to address the invoice, the institution's full address, country, codes, ID, or any other information) to
The publishing house guarantees the process of reviewing the articles free of charge for authors who are residents of the countries listed below:
Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Dominica, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Fiji, Ethiopia, Gambia, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Libya, Liberia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nauru, Nigeria, Niue, Niger, Palau, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Samoa, Saint Kitts and Nevis, São Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian, Swaziland, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Vanuatu, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
This is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher. 
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