2015_08_01_04 - XLinguae

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Particularities of English for Specific Purposes and Development of Intercultural Competence
Anna Zelenkova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2015.08.01.36-49

The teaching of languages for specific purposes at non-philological faculties aims at developing communication skills for the international study and working environment, in which the intercultural competence plays an important role. The paper explores the factors which have influenced the present state of teaching languages for specific purposes, defines its priorities and specifics, and presents its complexity in an interdisciplinary context. On the example of selected indicators in English for specific purposes the paper gives a rationale for intercultural directions in the teaching of foreign languages for specific purposes at universities.

Key words
languages for specific purposes, English for specific purposes, academic English, intercultural competence, teaching and learning foreign languages

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