2015_08_03_5 - XLinguae

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Coherence of Historical Genre for Young People (between Fact and Fiction)
Eva Vitezova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2015.08.03.49-56

The presented study deals with historical prose specificity, which is an oscillation between a fact and a fiction. Historical prose is a literary presentation, which story takes place in very deep past about which we do not have any knowledge based on own memories or on talking of older contemporaries. Creation of texts in historical genre is a move from history to fiction. An author does not describe or reproduce reality by using the literary fiction; the author creates the reality. In our study we offer a potential typology of historical prose (for young people): historical legend, historical prose depicting key moments of Slovak national history, adventurous-historical novel, biographical novel and nonfiction.

Key words 
fact, fiction, legend, historical prose, adventurous-historical novel, biographical novel, nonfiction

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