2015_08_03_7 - XLinguae

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The Compatriot Magazine “Jednota”: A Mirror of Hundred-Year History of Slovak Immigrants in the USA
Michaela Bakay-Zahorska – Zdena Kralova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2015.08.03.66-75

It was mainly the Slovak-American press that had unified the Slovak immigrant community in the USA. It represented a relevant source of information about the Slovak community life as well as about the situation back home in Europe. Today, the preservation of Slovak cultural heritage in an extensive assimilation process of the American Slovaks in the USA is of high significance. The primary objective of the article is to summarize the data obtained by the study of one of the most influencial compatriot periodicals (Jednota – The Union) in the USA as it represents an important part of the Slovak cultural heritage.

Key words 
Slovak immigration, USA, compatriot periodicals

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