2015_08_04_3 - XLinguae

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The Specific Features of Psychological Condition Nomination as the Discourse Index in the Contemporary Russian Language
[Специфика номинации душевных состояний как дискурсивный маркер в современном русском языке]
Liliya R. Akhmerova – Gelinya Kh. Gilazetdinova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2015.08.04.15-23

The paper deals with the problem of psychological condition nomination in the contemporary Russian language.  The nomination process finds difficulty in abstract semantics of lexis denoting psychological condition and complex relationships between a man and his psyche. The specific psychological discourse may be probably pointed out in the contemporary Russian language.  Two its varieties (the psychotherapy discourse and the common psychological discourse) are characterized by the preference of different ways of the psychological condition verbalization and their different communicative significance which indicates the subjectivity of the speaker towards the nomination act and “the intellectuality of communicative emotionality”.

Key words 
semantics, emotiology, discourse, nomination, communication, the verbalization of emotions

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