2016_09_01_03 - XLinguae

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The Lexicographical Definition: a Tool to Rediscover the French Idiomatic Expressions
[La définition lexicographique: un outil pour redécouvrir les expressions idiomatiques françaises]
Sonja Spadijer

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2016.09.01.30-46

This article wonders about the possibilities of systematic introduction of the idiomatic expressions in the didactics of French as a foreign language. This study reviews the semantic and lexical values of a number of idiomatic expressions, their contents, and underlines their importance in the communication. This article explores the French idiomatic expressions containing at least a component appointing the human body (la dent, le visage, le nez, le coeur, la bouche, le pied, la main, etc.). Here are some examples: « se faire les dents », « laver la tête à quelqu’un », « avoir le coeur au bord des lèvres », « avoir quelqu’un dans le nez », « avoir dans sa barbe ».
In this present work we realize the linguistic description and the semantic interpretation of the data stemming from the semic analysis which aims at the lexicographical definitions of the idiomatic expressions as well as those of the lexemes indicating the parts of human the body. A J. Greimas, B. Pottier as well as J. Rey-Debove recommended the importance of the lexicographical definition in the semantic researches. The semic analysis concerns the lexicographical definitions of the idiomatic expressions as well as those of lexemes indicating the parts of the human body. Having analyzed a large number of those expressions, we noticed the existence of a number of general contexts and their sub-contexts appropriate to this precise type of expressions. The semic analysis supplied a considerable lexical directory which, according to us, could consituter a precious source and the reference point for the didactic activities in FLE.

Key words 
lexicographical definition, idiomatic expressions, acquisition of the vocabulary

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