2016_09_01_10 - XLinguae

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Avant-Garde Research in the Field of Verse Forms (based on I.Yuzeev lyrics)
[Авангардные поиски в области форм стиха (на материале лирики И. Юзеева)]
Daniya F. Zagidullina – Venera R. Amineva

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2016.09.01.135-145

The article reveals the structural and content features of a particular form of verse which is shaped in the creation of the Tatar poet I.Yuzeev. This form of verse reflects the artistic and aesthetic nature of avant-garde searches that are specific to the Tatar poetry of 1960-1980-ies. There is determined the role of repetitive thought-row in making composite and stylistic rhythm in the poet’s poems. It is ascertained that the mythopoetical language and the language of tropes, dating back to the folk poetry, are subjected to inner transformations, becoming more complex, individual and unpredictable. There is defined the main type of subjective situation in the works of poet.

Key words 
Tatar poetry, genre, deixis, parallelism, cumulation, neosinkretizm, rhythm.

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