2016_09_02_02 - XLinguae

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Autobiographical memory: genesis, functioning, discursive implementation
Anna A. Petrova – Larisa N. Rebrina

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2016.09.02.11-36

The article investigates the discursive manifestation of autobiographical memory, enabling to understand the social and communicative nature of this phenomenon. These characteristics make it possible to speak of cognitive potential of linguistics within a research memory paradigm. The article examines the genesis and development of autobiographical memory forms in early ontogeny, the relationship of these processes with the formation of speech, self-concept, cognitive and speech and discursive competences. It studies the patterns of discursive actualization of the formed autobiographical memory and demonstration of its functional and structural characteristics. It is shown that the formed autobiographical memory as a personality-cognitive system organizes and arranges the fragments of the individual past; it is involved in the formation of self-identity, has a layered structure that is related to heterogeneous forms of processing autobiographical material and organizational forms of individual experience and performs different functions, all of which determines the patterns of respective discursive practices.

Kew words 
autobiographic memory, autobiographic memory genesis, development of the memory forms, discursive practices, organizational forms of the autobiographic material, layered structure of the autobiographic memory, thematic keynotes, autobiographic memory functions

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