2016_09_03_01 - XLinguae

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Notes on the Life of Words. «Hairy (shaggy)» Dumplings
Inna Kalita
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2016.09.03.2-24
The article introduces the spreading history of the inadequate translation of Czech national dish chlupatý knedlík, resulting from the use of automatic translation across the modern Russian language. The problematic name is analyzed from two perspectives: (1) linguoculturological: the perception and evaluation of the object designated by the word by the Czech and Russians, as well as associative connections the word “dumpling” may produce among the native speakers and the representatives of another culture; (2) linguistic (translation adequacy). The presented example of automatic translation inadequacy confirms that during the translation process it is important to take into consideration some mental components delivered by the recipient language and the donor language as well as the logical adequacy of lexeme combinations in the recipient language. Tourism and its active development within the whole global space put the need for certain unification when translating background vocabulary into foreign languages. The names of national “nonequivalent” dishes offered in the menus and tourist guides should be transliterated and then supported with the description of the major products the meal includes.
Key Words
linguoculturological perspectives, interference, Czech, Russian language, tourism, translation adequacy, national dish, „knedlík“ – hairy (shaggy), dumplings.

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