2016_09_03_02 - XLinguae

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Quince propuestas de gentilicios para capitales de laUnión Europea Fifteen proposals of demonyms for capitals of the European Union
Beatriz Gómez-Pablos
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2016.09.03.25-43
The topic of demonyms proposes many unresolved issues. The main problem generally arises from the foreign toponyms in Spanish. The Spanish Royal Academy, the Association of Language Academies, and the translation departments (of the UN and EU), on one hand, and style manuals or dictionaries of doubts, on the other hand, propose different solutions. These proposals often lack accurate and consistent criteria and there is a constant increase in the number of voices calling for the unity of the language. Our objective is to analyze on a small field for which it is urgent to officially create or recognize demonyms.
Key Words
demonyms, European capitals, lexicology, onomastics, standard norm and use

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