2017_10_01_08 - XLinguae

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Choosing a textbook set as one of the problems of the contemporary Russian didactics
Lenka Rozboudova – Jakub Konecny

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.01.08

The article outlines the development of Russian language didactics in the early 90s of the last century up to the present. By way of an example of teachers' relationship to a textbook set and particularly in its selection process it is pointed out that the contemporary didactics is solving issues which Western didactic experts were solving about 25 years ago. The text will formulate criteria that should be respected and considered when choosing a textbook set. These will be further compared with the answers of respondents of a survey.

Key words: textbook set, Russian as a foreign language, teacher, didactic tool, criteria of textbook set selection

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