2017_10_02_05 - XLinguae

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Securitization theory of the Copenhagen school from the perspective of discourse analysis and political linguistics
Irina Dulebova – Radoslav Stefancik                                                                                                        

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.02.05

Authors of this article examine innovative potential of the securitization theory of the Copenhagen school for reinterpretation of a notion security from the perspective of political linguistics and discourse analysis. They depart their examination from the assumption of representatives of the Copenhagen school that the securitization act as a speech act can initiate certain social dynamics. Authors of this article argue that research work in this field could provide for explanations of how a perception of threat is being formed through a speech act; moreover, by highlighting importance of linguistic aspects of the securitization research it could boost establishing political linguistics in Slovakia. Authors view political linguistics as a connecting field of research, which applies methods of both political sciences and linguistic analysis thanks to which it can better explore a nature of linguistic aspects of securitization process and consequently to provide for more comprehensive conceptualizations of how securitization becomes a reality in terms of the use of language.

Key words: discourse analysis, securitization theory, Copenhagen school, political linguistics

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