2017_10_03_06 - XLinguae

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Pair Sufi symbols in Tatar poetry of the 20th century: complexity and transformation of symbols
Daniya F. Zagidullina – Nurfiya M. Yusupova – Аyrat F. Yusupov

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.06

In this article functions and poetic features of pair Sufi symbols in the Tatar poetry of the beginning of the XX century are considered. Relevant to the Tatar poetry forms of symbolization  within a modernist art paradigm come to light. During the research it is proved that one of the main distinctive features of national poetry of this period is complexity of figurative structure and transformation of Sufi symbols. It is established that pair Sufi symbols are exposed to substantial changes, becoming more difficult and unpredictable. It is defined that in the Tatar poetic works the stylization of pair Sufi symbols providing variability of reading of poetic works within various cultural paradigms is observed. Complicated images and symbols at the same time become an element of other, main symbol, the complexity providing effect of the microtext in the text is observed. In this key the poetic originality of the Tatar poetry of this period comes to light.

Key words: Tatar poetry, Sufism, pair symbols, poetics, transformation

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