2017_10_03_11 - XLinguae

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Denominal, deadjectival and deverbal adjectives in Slovak and German
Zdenko Dobrik
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.11
The study focuses on the comparative analysis of the word−formation process with the aim to identify and explain agreements, similarities and differences in the creation and semantics of denominal, deadjectival and deverbal adjectives in the Slovak and German languages. The description and interpretation of the word−formation potential of denominal, deadjectival and deverbal adjectives of these languages are part of this article. Many of the differences are directly connected to the different language characteristics of Slovak and German. The theoretical and methodological background is based on Miloš Dokulil's Onomasiological Concept of Word−Formation.

Key words: comparative word−formation, Slovak, German, denominal adjectives, deadjectival adjectives, deverbal adjectives

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