2017_10_03_19 - XLinguae

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Adjective великий in the linguistic world-image of Russian medieval period (on the material of chronicles)
Irina V. Erofeeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.19

The following article examines the place and the role of the adjective великий in the Russian ethnocultural linguistic consciousness of the medieval period. One defines its role in the conceptualization and categorization of the phenomena of the extralinguistic reality reflected in the annalistic texts. One analyzes the special aspects of syntagmatic connections of the adjective великий, classifies the objects it is correlated with and determines its referential field in the Old Russian language. The special axiological status of the adjective великий is associated with the system of values relevant to the language of the medieval culture and the special value-semantic status of the latter.

Key words: adjective, axiology, culture, medieval period, chronicles

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