2017_10_03_22 - XLinguae

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Investigating effective foreign language learning design and the implications for distance learning tools
Irina I. Klimova – Olga A. Kalugina – Svetlana N. Khalevina – Anna N. Fedulova – Anna A. Trubcheninova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.22
The relevance of the present study is due to the importance of the foreign language learning experiences designed by university educators for their MSc students and implemented using distance learning tools. The main objective of this paper is to examine and evaluate the content design of a foreign language course taught in non-linguistic universities as exemplified by the "Business Foreign Language" course for MSc students. On the basis of the proposed priority learning activities, as well as the specific features of distance learning tools, the authors offer a Learning design (Conceptual map) of a ‘Business Foreign Language” course for MSc students. The training course content is presented as a set of foreign language learning experiences and activities. The findings of this research advance educators‘ thinking about the need for the design content to include flexibility that enables a teacher to adapt, revise, refine and reflect on the design while implementating distance learning tools.

Key words: foreign language training course, distance learning tools, distance learning, learning design, design-based research

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