2017_10_03_24 - XLinguae

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Mass media discourse deployment and its gender specificity: sociolinguistic perspective
Inna V. Skrynnikova – Tatjana N. Astafurova – Elena S. Aleksandrova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.24
The current paper deals with the sociolinguistic analysis of mass media discourse deployment and its gender specificity. It reveals sociocultural factors and psychological peculiarities affecting speech generating mental activity of male and female authors of British news texts as representatives of the native English-speaking community. The paper also touches upon the differences in male and female perception of events and their reflection in gender-neutral texts giving rise to feminine and masculine forms of writing. An attempt has been made to classify and describe linguistic parameters of newspaper texts written by male and female authors. The authors pay special attention to the gender analysis of structural, contents and stylistic aspects of news texts. The proposed matrix for identifying gender of a news text author has been validated by the results of the sociolinguistic experiment providing some insights into gender specificity of the mass media texts on various levels of language.

Key words: gender studies, discourse deployment, sociolinguistics, information structure, mass-media discourse, news text.

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