2017_10_03_25 - XLinguae

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Forensic prosecutor’s speech as a speech genre
Irina A. Zyubina – Galina G. Matveeva – Marina R. Zheltukhina – Gennady G. Slyshkin – Alevtina V. Shevchenko
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.25
In the article forensic prosecutor’s speech as a speech genre is considered. The purpose of this article is to reveal the features of the stereotyped speech behavior of public prosecutors in the speech genre of the speech for the prosecution. The main difference between one genre from another one is not in its linguistic features, although each of the genres is characterized by the predominance, or, conversely, the absence of certain linguistic elements, but in the content orientation of a text and its functional purpose. Moreover, the purpose is to identify these peculiarities, first, it is important to determine the status of this speech genre. The composition of the prosecutor’s speech in court is described. It is established that the speech for the prosecution consists of the following parts: 1) opening statement; 2) exposition of the factual circumstances of the act, the plot of the case; 3) analysis and evaluation of collected evidence of the case; 4) argumentation of determination the nature of the crime; 5) characteristics of the defendant and the victim; 6) proposals for the sentence or the verdict; 7) issues of compensation for the offense caused; 8) analysis of the causes and conditions that contributed to the offense, proposals to eliminate them; 9) conclusion. The speech for the prosecution contains the features of publicistic, official, scientific and colloquial styles, influences on the addressee.

Key words: forensic speech, prosecutor, speech genre, speech for the prosecution, lingua-pragmatics.

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