2017_10_03_26 - XLinguae

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Identity of adolescents and its dimensions in the relation to Mass media: philosophical-ethical reflections
Andrea Leskova – Michal Valco

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.26

The priority of this paper is to analyze the issue of identity formation among adolescents with relation to mass media, with a special focus on television. The main goal of the paper is to scientifically examine the relationship between identity formation of adolescents and the socializing influence of television; to analyze how adolescents perceive television and the stimuli received through it in their self-reflection; and to identify their attitudes to the contents aspect of what television has to offer. We examine these issues on the basis of our research that we conducted on the sample of 259 adolescents (university students, ages 18-22). The paper finally offers an ethical-philosophical reflection of the examined phenomenon.

Key words: identity, identity formation, adolescent, mass media, television

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