2017_10_03_28 - XLinguae

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Minority languages and linguistic policy in the Republic of Serbia
Olga A. Lysenko – Oksana V. Tretyakova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.28

The article presents a review of the recent language policy introduced by the Serbian government regarding minority languages and the Slovenian in particular against the background of negative demographic trends for the Slovenes. The Republic of Serbia is considered a final successor-state of the SFRY, there are also parallels drawn with the language policy of the SFRY and a status of the Serbs in the Republic of Slovenia. Based on the problems identified in the Serbian system of justice, there is a conclusion that at the legislation level measures taken by the Serbian government as its language policy might be called consistent, whereas in praxi there is a number of unsolved problems.

Key words: Slovenian, Slovenes, Republic of Serbia, language policy, national minority
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