2017_10_04_02 - XLinguae

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Linguistics of Russian-speaking Kazakh musicology
Gulzhan S. Suleуeva – Gulzada M. Zhaxymbetova – Ainur Z. Mashimbayeva – Raigul M. Meiramgaliyeva – Svetlana S. Janseitova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.02
The musical terminological system is analyzed in order to determine the linguistic status of the professional sublanguage of Russian-speaking musicology. The sources of the factual material were musicological and literary texts in Russian, containing translations of professional sublanguage musicology, dictionaries and works of Kazakh composers (nearly 3000 terms and 2000 terminological remarks). The complex description of musicological terms is given from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. There were revealed the tendencies to ethnographism in Russian-speaking musicology of the Kazakhstan. It is proved these tendencies are inherent to other countries in the region in varying degrees, which art is prevailed with the Russian. To the synthesis position of intercultural relations, characteristic of the expressive stylistic features of the composer’s music remarks are provided. The nature and the features of sublanguage musicology are also defined. The results can be used to develop the technologies of mastering the characteristics of a codified vocabulary of professional Russian-speaking sublanguage musicology, its term system, model of the cognitive structure of the scientific text. Specially selected set of methods for the classification of the musical terminology remarks of analyzed musicology can be used in countries where the Russian language is used in many areas of the humanities.

Key words: linguistic cultural concept, sublanguage, terminological remarks, musical note, Kazakh musicology

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