2017_10_04_05 - XLinguae

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Determinism vs freedom: some ethics-social implications
Marian Ambrozy – Roman Kralik – Jose Garcia Martin
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.05
The article attempts to bring a brief consideration about understanding freedom in terms of the status of observed objects in physics. First, it tries to define concepts, such as determinism, indeterminism, causality, and predictability. Then, it characterizes the issue of predictability at the level of deterministic chaos. Later, the same issue is applied in the field of micro-world, i.e. quantum theory. At these levels, it tries to give answer to our question in compliance with ambivalence of the research results. At the same time, it clarifies some consequences in relation to ethic, religion and freedom. Finally, it critically analyses the question of Faith-Reason.

Key words: ethics, religion, freedom, faith, reason

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