2017_10_04_07 - XLinguae

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Awareness in acquisitive understanding of second language oral aspect: intercultural, socio-cultural and cross-cultural reflections
Aida R. Nurutdinova – Elena V. Dmitrieva – Zuhra R. Zakieva – Adelina E. Astafeva – Elvira I. Galiullina
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.07
This article is focused on the sociocultural and intercultural factors which may benefit or complicate the second language acquisition process in general, and primarily communicative skills. The study is about to explain the conditions of Teaching English as second language in Kazan (Russia) and focused on the area of the sociocultural and intercultural factors, which might contribute to the learning English proficiency. The leading methods are the observations, conversations, and pedagogical experiment, allowing to check the proposed structural competence and pedagogical conditions concerning Teaching English as a second language in the system of higher education. The study involves the interviews with English Language Teachers (non-native speakers) and Assistant English Language Teachers (native speakers), and as well as students’ assessments. The paper submission is of the definite value for the process of second language acquisition in the system of higher education.

Key words: high education, proficiency, second language acquisition, (oral) verbal collaboration, linguistics, methodology, restructuring English education, sociocultural and intercultural, retraining system

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