2017_10_04_09 - XLinguae

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Modern media influence: mass culture – mass consciousness – mass communication
Marina R. Zheltukhina – Natalia I. Klushina – Elena B. Ponomarenko – Natalia N. Vasilkova – Anna I. Dzyubenko
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.09
The article examines the interconnection and interdependence of mass culture, mass consciousness and mass communication. The realization of media influence on the recipient is investigated due to a combination of the three worlds: real, information (individual memory) and symbolic (social memory). The significance of any linguacultural event is noted in the media. Information sources include education systems (knowledge, myths), religions (myths, faith), propaganda, advertising, culture, mass culture (myths, messages). The media dialogue of cultures enlivens social communication, organizes the flow of knowledge, myths, emotional experiences, volitional influences in social time and space. The mass communication environment of any linguistic culture, prone to personifying social institutions and the mythologization of personalities, constructs its own reality, the source of which is the sender's mythologeme. Products of mass culture are expressed in the number and quality of artistic myths embodied in books, films, music, theatre and concert performances, and media messages. Mass culture is an industry for the production of myths. Social order and artistic method in combination with mythological units and the general mythological concept are the tools for creating myths in any society in the coordinates of the system "culture – person". The article ascertains that the modern media reality reflects myths, stereotypes and metaphors in the media dialogue of cultures.

Key words: mass culture, mass consciousness, mass communication, media communication, media discourse, media influence

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