2017_10_04_11 - XLinguae

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Phased training of technical translators and its specific features
Nataliya Gavrilenko – Svetlana Dmitrichenkova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.11
The article describes an original approach to training of technical translators. The authors present a model describing formation of translation competences in students / graduates of nonlinguistic higher schools hich has been tested throughout 15 years in the Engineering Academy of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Key competences of technical translators were defined, examined and systematized. In particular, these include intercultural, communicative, special, social and personal competence. The authors propose a phased approach to the formation of translation competences during fulfillment of relevant tasks by translators. This gave the possibility to point out four main training stages – professional orientation, analysis, synthesis and correction. Each tasks referring to the above stages formed the basis of the original training modules which include the following components: tasks, ways of its solution, relevant competences and external assets, certain exercises developed to check formedness of relevant knowledge and skills in the field of technical translation. The developed model has an important feature which implies integration of knowledge and skills referring to a particular industry in students / graduates of higher educational institutions.
Key words: integrative knowledge, key competences of translators, phased training model, technical translator, translation activity

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