2017_10_04_12 - XLinguae

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Functional foreign language literacy for global research career development: analysis of standardized open-ended interview responses                                                           
Oksana Chigisheva – Elena Soltovets – Anna Bondarenko
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.12
The article explores the links between functional foreign language literacy and opportunities for global research career development. The relevance of the study is due to the rising trends of labor market globalization and internationalization of science and education domain. The purpose of the paper is to clarify the extent to which foreign language literacy can shape would-be researchers’ aspirations and career development plans. Phenomenological approach uderpins research procedures and reserch methodology. Standardized open-ended interview responses of 45 PhD students of Southern Federal University were analyzed to address the concepts of functional literacy and functional foreign language literacy from self-reflexive perspective. The present study also discusses acquisition of functional foreign language literacy in terms of positive and negative factors as well as the PhD students` perceptions of its role in developing global research career. The research findings are to inform educational policy and practice worldwide on the existing issues of concern in the area of researcher training. 

Key words: functional literacy, functional foreign language literacy, global research career development, phenomenological approach, standardized open-ended interview

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