2017_10_04_22 - XLinguae

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Bimodal bilingualism of the Deaf 
(basics, characteristics, application in the pedagogy of the deaf)
Darina Tarcsiova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.22
The paper deals with bimodal bilingualism of deaf people which represents a specific type of bilingualism. In this case, there are connected two languages with different modalities - sign language and oral language. The aim of the paper is to point to the sign language - a specific form of communication of the deaf, to different views on defining the population of the deaf as well as to the current view of bimodal bilingualism which is not attracted by linguists in Slovakia. Finally, we describe the bilingual method of education based on bimodal bilingualism.

Key words: bilingualism, bimodal bilingualism, sign language, spoken language, deaf/Deaf, education of deaf

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