2017_10_04_24 - XLinguae

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Intercultural aspects of concept "TOLERANCE" and facilities of creating tolerant academic environment
Anna Petrikova – Tamara Kuprina – Anna Beketova – Mikaela Mishenkova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.24
The article presents a theoretical and practical research on issues of modern terminology to show its ambivalence in general and the concept “tolerance” in particular from the intercultural linguistic paradigm point of view which is confirmed by the vivid fiction and publicistic examples; to offer the technology for integrating obtained results in creating tolerant academic environment. The analysis of the theoretical and legal bases on the issue has been done. There are numerous practical examples on ten cultures and four confessions. The technology of developing intercultural communicative tolerance in the academic environment is proposed.

Key words: ambivalence, academic environment, concept, term, tolerance, intolerance

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