2017_10_04_25 - XLinguae

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Correlation linguocultureme human within east Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages: comparative analysis
Tetiana M. Mishenina – Larissa S. Dsevickaya
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.25
The publication is devoted to the study of functional and structural-semantic implementations of linguocultureme human in the East Slavic languages ​​on the basis of linguocultural comparisons (procedures of revealing of similarities and differences in languages ​​and cultures of various national linguocultural communities) allow a thorough study of linguocultureme on the basis of comparative parameters. Performed study also allows to adequately translate the studied linguocultureme, taking into account the background cultural fund, the development dynamics of the semantic significance of lexem in accordance with the field relativistic associates, and also taking into account the development of spheres of socio-cultural reality (not only linguophilosophical, psychological and pedagogical, but also economic, legal,), which is represented with such variants as person / personality / soul // heart.
An analysis of linguocultureme human was carried out on the basis of techniques that included analysis of semantics of lexemes with the help of: component analysis, allocation of differential sem; clucidation of etymology of lexem; revealing of paradigmatic relations, synonyms, antonyms; the establishment of syntagmatic capabilities of lexems; identification of the associative field of lexem; contextual and interpretation analysis.

Key words: linguistic analysis, linguocultureme, comparative parameter, contextual and interpretation analysis, paramia

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