2017_10_04_29 - XLinguae

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Strategies on how to teach neologisms for EFL students majoring in economics
Elena M. Galishnikova – Svetlana N. Khalevina – Olga V. Meshcheryakova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.29
This paper discusses some strategies on how to teach neologisms for EFL students majoring in Economics. The importance of interpreting newly coined words and phrases is that students come across them in a variety of sources and can find it difficult to interpret them correctly. The aim of this study is to develop, theoretically substantiate and offer practice-oriented tasks based on authentic linguistic material that enhances the learning skills of understanding and translating neologisms. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that an adequate understanding and translation of neologisms from English into Russian becomes possible only after the EFL learners master the understanding of their origin and formation. The findings of this study indicate the effectiveness of the proposed step-by-step action plan for teaching EFL students.

Key words: neologism, lexical unit, calquing, abbreviation, acronym.

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