2017_10_04_30 - XLinguae

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Exploring language errors in culturally diverse classrooms
Yevgeniya B. Novikova - Irina P. Gotovtseva -Alexandra A. Lukina - Daria V. Sukhorukova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.30
This paper considers the investigation of language errors in students’ speech and the mechanisms to prevent them. The types of errors (phonetic, grammar, lexical and syntactical errors) made by student from culturally diverse backgrounds are analysed. The purpose of the paper is to discuss approaches, which can help meet students’ needs and highlight the problems, which students at non-linguistic higher schools might face. The teacher has also to play the role of a facilitator of better studying as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity in classroom makes the teaching process even more challenging. It is noted that the special methodological techniques will be really helpful to prevent students from negative feelings of inadequacy about their pronunciation, grammatical errors, limited vocabulary, and lack of information about cultural patterns within their new community.

Key words: Standard English, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity, ethnically homogeneous group, language variety, linguistics interference

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