2018_11_01XL_07 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1XL_2018 > section1XL_2018
Communicative competence enhancement
Irina I. Klimova – Natalia E. Sharabarina – Elena A. Tikhova – Sviatlana A. Dubinka
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01XL.07
The article deals with modern challenges in teaching a foreign language at a higher educational institution, connected with the changes taking place in the system of higher education in the world. The characteristics of three generations of universities are given, the main emphasis being on the development of the 3G university as the center of an innovative cluster. The authors also focus attention on the importance of forming entrepreneurial competencies among university graduates and the growing need to learn English as a language of intercultural and business communication, hence the use of electronic, distance and mixed instruction for a better quality of foreign language competency in higher education. Modern challenges in language education relate to the creation of digital educational content on the basis of training courses, the introduction of modern information technologies in the educational process, proactive scientific developments based on advanced foreign experience.

Keywords: entrepreneurial competence, 3G university, intercultural and business communication, business incubators, innovative cluster

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