2018_11_01XL_10 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1XL_2018 > section1XL_2018
Approaching the translation of idioms through the compensation strategy
Bozena Horvathova – Zuzana Tabackova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01XL.10
The paper explores the notion of translating idioms and idiomatic expressions in the literary context. Drawing on the current research in phraseology and translation studies, the authors first define and confront crucial terms used in German, Slavonic and Anglophone tradition. Subsequently, a translational perspective on multiword idiomatic expressions is discussed in more detail. Not only does the paper summarize and compare various scholarly approaches to translating idioms, but it also outlines the criteria and specific strategies for transferring idioms from the source to the target language. Considering the outlined theoretical perspectives, the paper then brings forward a thorough analysis of translating idiomatic expressions within the scope of Hans Fallada’s novel Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frißt by comparing the German source text with its Slovak translation. The research suggests that in addition to other translation strategies, compensation is a significant constituent in preserving or altering the stylistic dominants of the source text.

Key words: translation, idioms, compensation, literary text, Hans Fallada

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