2018_11_01XL_18 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1XL_2018 > section1XL_2018
The indications of the free indirect speech in French in the XIXth century: a topical didactic issue
[Les indices du discours indirect libre en français au XXe siècle: un sujet didactique d’actualité]
Sonja Spadijer
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01XL.18
This article has for the objective to emphasize the indications of the reported free indirect speech (DIL) in French, their variety and the meaning. Since its discovery in XIXth century, the DIL does not stop being a topical subject both for the researchers in language and in literature as for the writers. Its indications are endowed with a code which is not still easy to understand. Knowing the indications of the reported free indirect speech plays an important role particularly for translator’s job as well as for every expert in French and French-speaking literature. Consequently, we consider that the DIL should be taught together with the direct speech and the indirect speech and appear in syllabus and programs of the French as a foreign language (intermediate and advanced levels).

Key words: indications of the free indirect speech, French indefinite pronoun on and the DIL

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